Intel Mission Statement Analysis and Vision


Intel is also known as Intel Corporation and is one of the second-largest semiconductor chip manufacturers in the world. It is valued only second to Samsung Electronics. The company is best known for its x86 series back in the 80s and 90s, along with their current generation of i5s, i7s, and i9s. 

Founded on July 18, 1968, by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore (best known for Moore’s law), the company was called Portmanteau. Noyce was the principal inventor of the microchip that made it to computers in those days. However, the company was soon referred to as Intel, which some argue points to the company’s ability to process information. 

Intel is credited for developing DRAM and SRAM memory chips. They also created the first microprocessor in 1971, but it wasn’t until they started making chips for personal computers that it became the business’s primary focus.  

Today, Intel is a multi-billion-dollar company with chip manufacturing plants across the world. Interestingly Intel’s drive to grow and succeed is part of its mission statement, which makes it worth examining in detail. 

Intel Mission Statement and Analysis 

Intel’s mission statement is: “Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live.”

Intel has been able to lead the race in the development of faster, multi-core, and efficient microprocessors for over three decades. It strives to ensure that they are ahead of the competition and is partly reflected in the company’s mission statement. 

Computers and in particular, the microprocessors that drive these computers have changed the way people live. Since Intel has been a major player in this revolution it is fair to credit this with the company’s forward-thinking approach to developing better microprocessors. So, when Intel says “Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders…” that delight is pretty evident each year when a new generation of Intel processors are launched. 

Perhaps the most essential part of Intel’s mission statement “…technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live” is very relevant to the past twenty years of computing. Each new advancement has changed the way people work and live which in turn keeps the company ahead of others in terms of revenue, delighting everyone who has a stake in the company. 

Intel Vision Statement 

Intel’s vision statement is: “If it is smart and connected, it is best with Intel.”

Intel’s vision statement is short and snappy but emphasizes on the development of smart and connected technology. However, since Intel does not develop software, the first part of the vision statement “if it is smart and connected” alludes to the company’s development of AI chips or processors with AI abilities. The same goes for chips that making connecting to high-speed internet possible. 

The final part of the vision states that the company sees itself as being at the forefront of this technology revolution. In many cases, the company is at the forefront, and it’s in part because of this vision. 

Intel Core Values 

Intel’s core values are: “Customer orientation, discipline, result orientation, an inclusive and great place to work in, quality, and risk-taking.”

The core values define what Intel is all about. The most interesting of which is “inclusive and great place to work in” which points to Intel offering employees everything from entertainment to open workspaces. Intel is also one of the few mega businesses that allow employees to choose how they work to make sure that the results they deliver are maximized. 

Finally, “quality and risk-taking” is what has shaped Intel as a highly competitive entity. Its current foray into mobile computing chip design and manufacturing is the perfect example of it. 

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